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Brazilian political geography and geopolitics

L'Espace politique, n°31 (1-2017) - Deadline for submission of proposals: June 2016
Gutemberg de Vilhena Silva and Hervé Théry

The relationship between space and politics - foundation of Political Geography - and the interface between space and power - pillars of the geopolitical fundamentals - have been reconsidered in the Brazilian intellectual production in the course of recent decades. The interest in these research themes, which allow us to understand the world and its territorial configurations, increased in Brazil since the publication of numerous articles and books.

  • 1 CONGEO (2014); Rückert (2014) e Rückert; Richard (2015).

The First Congress of Political Geography, Geopolitics and Territory Management (I CONGEO, 2014), held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 2014, pointed to several ways in which researchers and their groups are operating in Brazil, related to the purpose of this dossier1. From the five guiding principles of the Congress, it was possible to identify some trends in Brazilian production in geopolitics and political geography. Classic themes such as territorial disputes; border issues - closing or interaction; the role of the vote and the federal pact, as well as more current issues - such as regional integration - have been the basis for many of the articles submitted and presented at the First CONGEO.

Thinking about the plurality of themes in political geography or geopolitics that today attract the interest of Brazilian researchers - from classical discussions revisited to emerging and current issues -, this dossier intends to receive texts written by Brazilian researchers on some topic pertaining to one of these two fields of knowledge emphasized in the dossier. The most important is not the geographic scale of analysis, but the quality and relevance of the contributions in the manuscripts.

When we receive the papers, there will be an initial filter by the dossier organizers considering: theoretical framework, methodology, main contributions, adequation for dossier and the guidelines for authors of L'Espace Politique. Then, filtered manuscripts will be sent to two ad hoc evaluators. The journal publishes articles in French or English. However, considering the nature of this thematic dossier, the first version of the manuscript may be sent in Portuguese.

Once accepted for publication with the necessary corrections, if appropriate, the author/s of the approved article should, on their own, translate / or send to translate the manuscript into French or English, taking into account the dossier's publication calendar in L'espace politique.

Guiding principles of the dossier

1. Epistemological focus of Geographic Politics /Geopolitics in/of Brazil

The objective of this axis deal with Brazilian thought in relation to one or the two pillars of the dossier. Although we already have several books and articles published by Brazilian researchers on these pillars, there is a relative lack of recent studies that point theoretical and epistemological directions in the twenty-first century.

2. The Electoral Geography

The voting behavior provides important elements to understand the political phenomenon. The decision of the vote is the result of multiple variables built into the life of the voter. These variables are not stable, being the voter an actor who configures and reconfigures as a political subject. Brazil is a fruitful field, and still little explored in Electoral Geography. Analyzing the perspective of electoral geography, electoral behavior, political party arrangements, among other expressions, it is the challenge presented in this thematic area.

3. The Federal Issues, localisms and Regionalisms in Brazil

The federal pact, localism and regionalism are historical and geographical brands in Brazil. All of them are from the territorial base, where spatially localized groups are organized in the pursuit of harmonization in light its particular demands, as well as their broader interests. The tension and the institutional arrangements that cause controls and conflicts are the expressions of interest in general. In the dossier, the most important are the analyzes of local power and Brazilian federalism, regionalism and identities in the formation or on the obstacles to the creation of new territories; plus all the other proposals that deal with the privileged theme.

4. Border Issues

International borders have always been the foundation of either the Political Geography or Geopolitics. Currently, Brazil has several research groups or even researchers who - individually - analyze important issues about the country's borders. This topic will favor the theoretical analysis, but - above all - a geography applied on the border studies, especially international security, cross-border interactions, migration policies, among others.

5. Brazil: Growth, influence, political and economic actors

Despite its current situation, Brazil is a country with a robust economy that has considerable influence in the world. This important aspect should be the subject of evaluation. How Brazil has built its country dimension of "Grand puissance" and with what strategies? Was it due to that partnership and scales in the world? Was it based in which diplomatic support? Have the country activated the Lusophone networks? The following topics are also interesting for this axis: Brazil's projection in South America, regional integration by macro-projects; financial instability, the relationship between technology and power, and the multiple expressions of the emerging power of Brazil: the Blue Amazon; the role of the Amazon as techno-scientific frontier; the geopolitical strategic resources.


06/2016: Reception of manuscripts and forwarding for analysis of referees.
09/2016: Selection of manuscripts and forwarding for review, if applicable. (60,000 characters maximum, including all)
10/2016: Submission of articles reviewed for the organizers, when applicable.
11/2016: Translation of the articles for French or English.
01/2017: Dossier Publishing. No. 31 (1-2017)


Thank you to send your article proposal to the two coordinators of the issue: Silva Gutemberg de Vilhena ( and Hervé Théry (


I CONGEO, 2015, I Congresso de Geografia Política, Geopolítica e Gestão do Território. 2014. Programação Final, Disponível em:, Acesso em 28 julho 2015.

RÜCKERT A., 2014, « I Congresso Brasileiro de Geografia Política », Geopolítica e Gestão Territorial. Confins (Paris), v. 22, p. 1-8. Disponível em: Acesso em 28 julho 2015.

RICHARD Y., 2015, « Premier congrès brésilien de géographie politique, géopolitique et aménagement du territoire », L'Espace Politique, v. 23, p. 1-8. Disponível em, Acesso em 28 julho 2015.

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1 CONGEO (2014); Rückert (2014) e Rückert; Richard (2015).

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